Getting in the campus ministry spirit
How Christmas is being celebrated in the halls of Roncalli.
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Roncalli is centered around its faith and creating an environment that encourages the Catholic faith. Campus ministry plays a huge role in carrying out this mission.
Director of campus ministry, Mrs. Katie Hibner, hopes that this advent season, Roncalli is centered around Christ.
“I want to give us a chance to slow down and remember what advent is about,” Hibner said.
Campus ministry is planning on holding an advent prayer service during finals week to help encourage calmness during the busy week of finals.
“I want to remind students of this season of joy,” Hibner said,
Hibner is making efforts to remind the student body of the importance of faith this season in theology classes, having advent wreaths in classrooms, and the annual Christmas toy drive.
Each year during the toy drive, athletic teams are invited to create displays and wear costumes on the circle and collect toy donations.
“I was really impressed with the teams’ displays last year,” Hibner said.
The toy drive will be held on Monday, December 13th, from 5 pm -7 pm. All donations go to Anna’s House. Campus Ministry asks that no electronics or toys that require batteries be donated.
Donations will count for service hours for the second semester. Donations of 1-5 toys will count for one service hour, and donations of 6-10 toys will be counted as 2 service hours.
Another way Campus Ministry has been celebrating the season is on St. Nicholas day. On December 6th, in every religion class, students put their shoes out in the hallway. At the end of class, students went to get their shoes to find that St. Nick had dropped some treats in them. This was a way for students to get in the spirit of Christmas and remember the story of St. Nicholas in their classes.
Campus Ministry hopes to continue to remind students of the importance of Christmas this season through prayer and celebrating community.